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people on the run, 2021

Paintings, chosen from my early work, as well as media generated material such as photos, films etc., are digitally deconstructed and fragmented. In this manner a new expression, new variations on the theme ensue.

Bilder aus meinem Frühwerk oder Found-Footage-Material (Foto, Filme etc.) werden am Rechner dekonstruiert und fragmentiert.

fight 1-2, 2023
bombed out, 2021
flight, 2021
girls jumping
four boys on the shore, 2023
girls on the shore 1-2, 2019
girls on the shore 3-4, 2019
people immersed in water, a drawing on a gallery wall (simulation)

Some works present themes from the sphere of archaic images and archytypes anchored in the collective subconsciousness of all mankind and identical in all cultures: water, fire, warriors and shadows.

Einige der dargestellten Themen entspringen der Sphäre der Archetypen (wie etwa Wasser, Krieger, Feuer, Schatten usw.), die im kollektiven Unterbewusstsein aller Menschen verankert sind.

Multiple works exhibit a kind of barcode generated by digital tranformation (splitting) of the images while incorporating their identical scheme.

Der Barcode am unteren Bildrand generiert sich beim Splitting des Bildes und gibt es in abstrakter Form nochmals wieder.

human figures catalog, 2018
equestrians, 2022
border fence 1-2, 2019

The digital images can be printed on various materials (canvas, aluminum, paper or wood) and in various sizes.

Die digitalen Bilder ermöglichen variable Druckgrößen auf verschiedene Trägermaterialien (Leinwand, AluPaneel, Papier, Holz).

border fence 3-4, 2019
border fence, cut out aluminium
shadow play 1-3, 2018
urban jungle, 2019
primeval world, a drawing on a gallery wall (simulation)

Battles on horserback with swords and shields symboliZe life’s struggles.

Der Kampf zu Pferd mit Schwert und Schutzschild steht symbolisch für den Lebenskampf schlechthin.

amazons, 1983/2018

Bulls are my favorite symbolic animals. Taurus is a metaphor for strength, masculinity and belligerence.

Stiere sind meine bevorzugten Symboltiere. Stiere stehen metaphorisch für Kraft, Männlichkeit und Kampfbereitschaft.

bulls, 1984/2018
bull attack, 2018
sheep eying you, 2018
human ring, 2017
family 1, 2021
family 2-3, 2019
family 2-3, 2019
family 4-5, 2019
family, 1984, acryl on canvas, 110 x 90 cm
greek tavern, 1998/2017

Human silhouettes set against the light are somehow magical.

Menschliche Silhouetten im Gegenlicht haben etwas Magisches.

urban forest, 2018
hommage to rembrandt, 1984/2017
female gathering, 2017
don quijote, 2018
climbing frame, 2018
people on the shore 1-3, 2018
hurricane 1-2, 2017
hurricane 3-4, 2017
landscape, 2018
landscape 3-4, 2018
people passing 1-2, 2017
wildfire 1-2, 2017
wildfire 2, 2017

Early Works (approx. 1980 – 2000)
Frühe Werke (zirka 1980 - 2000)

shadows 1-2, 1998, acryl on canvas, 85 x 85 cm
untitled, 1988, pencil on transparent paper, 21 x 29 cm
untitled, 1988, pencil on paper, 21 x 29 cm
untitled 1-4, 1985, ink on transparent paper, 70 x 100 cm
confusing sentences, ink on paper, 40 x 50 cm, 1985
entrapped sentences, ink on paper, 40 x 50 cm, 1985
sentence fragments, ink on paper, 40 x 50 cm, 1985
rotating sentences, ink on paper, 40 x 50 cm, 1985
sentence variations (1-4), ink on paper, 40 x 50 cm, 1985
bird font, vogelschrift (1-4), ink on paper, 30 x 40 cm, 1989
magic incantations (1-4), pencil on paper, 30 x 40 cm, 1989,
sisyphus, 1985, bleistift auf papier, 24 x 17 cm
kämpfende, 1985, bleistift auf papier, 24 x 17 cm
auf dem karren, 1985, bleistift auf papier, 24 x 17 cm
spielende krieger, 1985, bleistift auf papier, 24 x 17 cm
priesterinnen, bleistift und ölkreide auf papier, 24 x 17 cm
amazonen, bleistift und ölkreide auf papier, 24 x 17 cm
krieger, bleistift und ölkreide auf papier, 24 cm x 17 cm
drei frauen, kohle auf papier
frau am fenster, kohle/papier
zwei frauen, kohle auf papier
metropolis (1-2), pencil on paper, 15 x 19 cm
nomad tent, 1992, pencil on paper, 20 x 20 cm
tunisia, 1992, pencil on paper, 20 x 20 cm
human circle, 1992, pencil on paper, 20 x 20 cm
bulls, acryl on canvas, 115 x 85 cm, 1984
camels, acryl on canvas, 110x90 cm, 1983
don quijote, watercolour on paper
tavern, acryl on canvas, 110 x 90 cm, 1985
tavern, watercolour on paper
women bathing (1 - 4), gouache colour on paper
people dancing (1), watercolour on paper
seekers, watercolour on paper
people passing, watercolour on paper
orchestra 1, acryl on canvas
orchestra 2, acryl on canvas
harvest, acryl on canvas
flowers, watercolour on paper
couple, acryl on paper
mother, acryl on paper
people, acryl on canvas
sun, acryl on canvas
untitled (1), acryl on paper
untitled (2), acryl on papier
untitled (3), acryl on paper
theater, acryl on paper
bullfight, (1-4), gouache colour on paper
amazons (1-3), acryl on paper
amazons, triptych, acryl on canvas, 80 x 80 cm
dying warrior (1), watercolour on paper
dying warrior (2), charcoal on paper
dying warrior (3), watercolour on paper
living and working in the studio

Homage to Old Masters, acryl on paper, approx. 1984
Homage an alte Meister, Acryl auf Papier, zirka 1984

franzisco de goya
pieter breughel der ältere
henri matisse
pablo picasso
rembrandt van rijn
rembrandt van rijn
franzisco de goya
édouard manet
franzisco de goya
franzisco de goya
pieter breughel der ältere
egon schiele
venedig, watercolour on paper, 1983
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